When Were Dental Implants Invented?

Dental implants are an excellent solution for those who have lost their teeth. They offer a unique way to not only restore one's smile but provide long-lasting, durable and natural-looking teeth that are as comfortable and secure as your teeth. Have you ever wondered how long dental implants were around? In this article, we will look at when dental implants were invented.


When Were Dental Implants Invented?

A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jawbone to replace the root of a natural tooth. It can support a single crown, bridge or complete set of dentures. As long as the implant integrates with the bone (fuses), it can remain in place for life.


Early Uses

The earliest recorded dental implants dated to around 600 A.D., when teeth were transplanted from one person to another or animals to humans. These attempts were primarily unsuccessful and caused more harm than good. Tooth loss has been a problem for as long as humans have been around. Mummies from Ancient Egypt have been found with crude metal discs inserted with missing teeth. The Etruscans fixed gold bands over the remaining teeth and bound them together, attaching artificial teeth to the bar.


Modern Dental Implants

Modern dental implant history began in 1952 when a Swedish orthopaedic surgeon named Per-Ingvar discovered that titanium integrated with a bone when researching healing fractures. This integration is called osseointegration, which makes dental implants so successful today. Swedish orthopaedic surgeon named Per-Ingvar Brånemark was investigating bone healing. When he attempted to remove a titanium cylinder from a rabbit femur, he discovered that the titanium had fused with the bone and could not be removed. This discovery led to the development of dental implants.


While the first-generation dental implant material was titanium, second-generation implants were zirconium. Zirconium is more biocompatible than titanium, and it has better aesthetics. However, zirconium doesn't measure up to titanium for strength and durability. Third generation dental implants are made of hybrid material zirconia on top of titanium that combines the best attributes of both materials


Today's third-generation dental implants are far superior to those of even just a few years ago. Modern technology allows us to create exact dental implants that offer exceptional aesthetic results and long-lasting strength and stability.


Suppose you are looking for quality dental implant services in Ballarat, such as All-on-4® implants. Get in touch with Next Smile Ballarat today to speak to an expert.